Frequently Asked Questions
Are these cards up to date?

These cards are automatically generated from the contents of the NetEA Tournament Pack repo.

The last build date is Thu Apr 28 2022 19:20:47 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time).

Where are those icons from?

From Baka Design and Material Design Icons.

I want to print the cards

Just hit print. All headers and unnecessary information will disappear. Cards rear will be flipped 180ยบ so you can fold them.

How big are the cards? Which sleeves can I use?

The cards are 45x68mm. You can use Mini Euro sleeves.

The profile X is wrong

Go to the NetEA Tournament Pack repo and open a PR.

The content from card X overflows

Unfortunately cards cannot be styled individually. Some unit profiles are just too long for a card (I'm looking at you Warmonger).

Can you add the list X?

This app loads the data from the NetEA Tournament Pack repo, and so, only cards present there can be added. If you have a different source of data I could use, please open an issue, and let's discuss it.

I have a suggestion / found a bug

Great! Please open an issue, and let's discuss it.